Contactless Payment: The New ‘Change in the Pocket’

Do you remember the last time you had handfuls of change in your pocket after an evening at the pub? Well, times are changing. Cash use is falling and predictions show that less than 1 in 10 transactions will be completed with cash and coins in 10 years time.

How does that affect Jukeboxes?

Traditionally jukeboxes were a draw when you’d broken your notes at the bar and now have coins in your pocket. With more and more bars now offering contactless payment, we are seeing fewer people feeling the need to consciously take out cash for an evening. Where a heavy handful of change was previously a reason to use a jukebox; pub-goers are now less likely to have the coins they need on hand, meaning the feature of contactless payments on jukeboxes is becoming more of a necessity in the industry.

Why should I invest in a contactless Jukebox system?

A recent industry study showed that where the option was available, 26% of jukebox payments were made via contactless. Barclaycard revealed that in 2017 86% of all pub payments were made via contactless.

With less cash set to be used going forward, there is going to be a continuing decrease of coin in pocket.

We recognise that a contactless feature, particularly on our touchscreen digital jukebox is going to become an expectation of pub-goers – the investment is inevitable especially as jukeboxes become more popular with younger ages groups, over 80% of which are utilising contactless. So why not stay ahead of the curve and invest in this payment method now?

Jukeboxes at Leisureplay

As one of the leaders in jukebox installations across the UK, we are always looking at ways in which to improve and develop our jukebox offering for our clients and their customers. Always looking forward to innovation and the features our jukeboxes offer, Leisureplay is one of the first jukebox companies installing digital card readers in their digital jukeboxes and upgrading existing installations.

How does Contactless Jukebox payment work?

One tap of their card = £1 in credit for the user

With this move to contactless, any money spent on the card will be added to the cashbox income which is displayed on the jukebox within the collector’s menu. Customers can also use other popular contactless payment options as they would in shops including Apple Pay.

Interested in a contactless jukebox solution for your venue? Get in touch with our team to discuss our jukebox range.
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